I'm a devout atheist and have to agree although I felt the ad with the adults was better. I'm a photography consultant so I loved seeing an ad made entirely from stills. I find the notion of paying to produce these ads kind of hilarious. It's not as if Jesus doesn't get enough free PR.

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I noticed the photos immediately, it was captivating, didn’t notice any music. So different from all of the other commercials. The Dunkin’ Donut was funny the first couple views. I’d seen hype from the Mr. Peanut spot, the worst. I didn’t come close to laughing at any of them. Enjoyed the game though, and I’m not a NFL fan. It was a lot of $$$ to shell out. I’ve seen the AOC blurbs. It reached an atheist. Crazy world we’re in. Any network but Fox, may have been declined for broadcast.

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AOC (like MTG) needs to STFU sometimes.

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Great photos, reminded me of Robert Frank. I was in Hobby Lobby yesterday, I don’t know anything about the owners hate agenda. As a believer, non atheist, I guess I’m also one of those on the list of racist, homophobic, low iq, individuals.

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There IS a list, but I don't think you're on it.

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