I can't imagine it's ever good to go with "There's nothing quite like this" as your selling point, but considering that Dasani is widely loathed for its taste and essentially being bottled tap water, I'm surprised they also would risk putting "water" in quotes.

I keep waiting for the end of platitudinal advertising, but then I see these other alternatives and feel like it's never going away. High Noon is the worst. It's advertising ... their billboard? ... and is also basically a curse.

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These are terrible except the florida one. What am i missing? why is that one so bad?

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OK, the headline is cringy-lazy considering this:


The Challenger was launched from pretty much the same spot.

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Ahhhh got it

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These were sooooo bad, lol. Except for the Stoli one. That was anti-flavored vodka back when we were dealing with Cereal Flavored vodkas,lol! They earned that tagline to protect their turf

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