Holy shit! (Yeah, yeah) I started dealing with this on a smaller scale about five months ago (some blood, too. You ever get blood?)

I feel like I was done right by my GI specialist? They had me give a sample to rule out infection, had me do a colonoscopy, and found an irritated patch near the start of the GI tract. He said it should come and go, and prescribed a suppository. It has seemed to get better, but the suppositories…maybe I’m doing it wrong? They keep wanting to come out from where I put them, and leave a residue in my underwear that I now wear to bed (sucks; waking up with sweaty balls is no way to live). Maybe there’s a YouTube video? Haven’t checked yet.

But that feeling like I need to go and then just sit there for 10-15 min? Yep. Feeling like I need to go rightnow and, in the immortal words of Dave Attel, “Tony Hawk it” to the underside of the seat, only to see that it was really only that small initial amount? That too.

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Thanks for bringing this up. Seriously. For years I had the runs as you describe. Since last summer, I've had the opposite—chronic, painful constipation. When I do poop, they are like a foot long. Takes considerable effort to get those out. Has your doctor had you try any medication? Mine just told me to eat kale and prunes. Fun.

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I've tried every diet treatment. I take dicyclomine, sometimes it seems to help. It's a drug that's supposed to calm the colon. Not good to take if you're mostly constipated.

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