I will only be reading comments, not reacting to them. It's my birthday week, dammit.

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Happy birthday, you lovable creative curmudgeon

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I think they're entertaining, but they just seem like endorsements for podcast-listening in general, not this particular service. Happy birthday!

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Don't hate it, but like almost all comedy, they'd be better if they were shorter.

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I like em. Don’t judge me.

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I can watch them, it's OK-ish entertainment. Don't know if it lands the product memorably.

Not as fun as "everything is alive" a podcast about some dude interviewing inanimate objects, which as truly fun.

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Doggo by the far the best. Couple proper laughs.

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Gotta say, I like them! Amusing premises with considered arcs that work. Length didn't bother me, stayed with all three without feeling bored or that they were tiresome. I think they work :) but I get why they could be considered trite

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Clever concept. They would be much better as :30s.

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Kinda hate them, as in really a struggle to finish.

Wishing you a happy birthday week. It may depress you, but your emails bring much joy.

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