What-The-Fuck is Copyranter Two Point Zero?
Copyranter Two Point Zero is Mark Duffy, an award-winning (who isn’t?) copywriter since 1987, ad reviewer and skewerer since 2005.
I’m a cantankerous cursing curmudgeon who rants about bad big brand ads that the Mainstream Ad Media (MAM) either ignores or inexplicably praises; their reviewers don’t know their ads from a hole in the ground. But ripping bad ads new assholes is like shooting already dead fish in a barrel with a laser-sighted machine gun. I also bring to light good, often obscure, ads that the MAM again ignores or just doesn’t discover. They don’t work at it as hard as I do.
Why-The-Fuck is Copyranter Two Point Zero?
From 2005—2017, I published over 5,600 posts on my Blogspot. During that time, I also wrote, “professionally”, about ad creativity for Gawker, BuzzFeed, VICE, the Guardian, Digiday, and others. But I haven’t written about bad/good ads on a daily basis since 2013. Until now, here on Substack. I will be independent, free from brand blowback and brand lawyers. (Ha, I hope.)
Who-The-Fuck is Copyranter Two Point Zero?
6’ 1” Copywriter-Creative Director winner of Gold CLIOs, One Show(s), Gold Mobiuses (Mobi?), ADDY, ANDY, etc. Also, The Best Ad Critic In The World™. (Trademark has been pending for several years. My lawyers are on it.) Son of a coalminer’s daughter. Experienced and enthusiastic ditch and hole digger. Hobbies: Drummer/Percussionist, Playground pickup b-ball games, pick-up street hockey games (when I can find one), long NYC walks, inserting obscure Simpsons’ references into every conversation, yelling obscenities at my underperforming sports teams (Mets, Canadiens). (see photo below, taken by my wife via FaceTime. That’s a very old Habs hat).
Why-The-Fuck Subscribe to Copyranter Two Point Zero?
Because I need money for Rent and Psychiatry. Also, because I worked my ASS off posting free, amazing content every frigging day for eight straight years on my Blogspot (go look). And now I’m going full-on again. Also, it would be a very, very nice thing for you to do (*SMILEY FACE*).
What-The Fuck will I get from Copyranter Two Point Zero?
I will be posting at least three times a week. Subscribers will get ad reviews, industry commentary, and creative “how to” lessons. I’ll also revisit some of the greatest classic ads and show what made them great. I’ll even occasionally make crude fake/spec ads and storyboards that’ll sometimes be good, but will definitely always be funny. And some other shit I can’t think of right now.