It's not just print. I'm so BORED by UK TV ads these days. Whatever happened to the creativity that flourished just before the ad bans on tobacco and alcohol products? Hamlet bald combover in photobooth, which revels in simplicity, is still drop dead hilarious to this day while Benson & Hedges helicopter pack splash into swimming pool remains an artful jaw dropper never topped. Shows what can be done when thought and effort are pushed to the cutting edge.

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I found out last nite that Bill Bernbach worked with my Saint Patrick's Day dinner guest. He was a former P&G'er and then went off to be the VP of Marketing of Arm & Hammer. As usual your posts are a highlight of our day...and that in a way is pathetic...

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calling me pathetic, bitch? let's fight (smiley face emoji).

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NO - calling me and my buddy pathetic - never you!

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