The "Best" Ever Celebrity Endorsement Ads.
Two actual good ones, and some so abjectly horrible, they're "good".
It’s been proven, again and again. Celebrity ads DO NOT work. They cost a shit-ton to produce and yet do not increase sales; they are a complete waste of money. But brands—the marketing “experts”—keep hiring famous people. Why?
Because marketers are stupid.
It’s something to bring up at cocktail parties with their rich friends.
Their brand’s social media metrics increase (which means and does nothing).
It’s much easier than coming up with an actual interesting/humorous conceptual campaign that sells the benefit of the product.
Remember all the recent celebrity Super Bowl ads? Now: Do you remember what any one of them was selling?
Remember Matt Damon’s shit-awful ad? Lot of money—>straight down the drain.
You know you want to see these very funny ads. Buy a sub here to see them. Or, UNSUBSCRIBE FROM MY EMAILS ALREADY, THIS IS MY JOB, NOT A HOBBY.