Rarely Has A Spokesperson Exuded "ASSHOLE" Like Spectrum's "Nonsense" Guy
Condescension in Skinny Jeans.
First: All apologies to John Hoogenakker. Last year I nominated him for the Spokes-Douche Hall Of Fame. But, he’s actually become less annoying as his spots have rolled out.
But this Summer, Spectrum released the Kraken of Douchebaggery. I spent 15 minutes trying to find the actor’s name. No luck. If you know please comment.
Unsurprisingly, Spectrum has not posted his ads to YouTube or Vimeo. ispot.tv is the only place I could find one, watch it here.
So far, the spot is only a blip on reddit/r/CommercialsIHate.
Here’s the official description of the spot:
“During a keynote for small-business owners, Spectrum Business highlights its "no nonsense approach," when it comes to internet and phone use for your business. Spectrum also claims that it'll buy you out of your current contract to use its services. Featuring no hidden fees, no contracts and no added phone taxes, the telecommunications company says you can bundle its internet and business phone plan for a low price without any surprise costs.”
Here’s an incomplete overview of the 60 second ad:
Douche walks on stage to polite applause. He brings hand to chin and says “Nonsense”. Then, blah-blah-blah hard sell and phone number. Then female small businessperson dares to raise hand and asks, “Is there a contract?”
Douche mansplains with thick condescension and deep disappointment: “No. Contracts are nonsense”.
Blah-blah-blah more hard sell then our hero does a quick little three-step to the right in his skinny jeans to clear out of the way of the subtle sign and says, “No nonsense is here to stay”.
Actually, Hoogenakker also did the "Walter the Cat" cms for Chevy Silverado which were excellent. However, I do agree with your opinion on this No Nonsense cm. Anyone who does business with Spectrum knows Spectrum has had all kinds of fees and charges throughout the years, not too mention your rate goes up every year too!
To be fair, he does fit the TED Talk persona perfectly. I suspect that's what they were going for.