One Of The Best Ever Print Campaigns Used Only Stock Photos.
It was a campaign that made you ACHE for that first drink of the evening.
Name one hard liquor campaign today that makes you wanna have a fucking drink. Go ahead, I’ll wait (looks at vintage European porn for 30 minutes).
Yeah, got anything? Bullshit. Every liquor campaign now is not about “drinking”. It’s about calling you, Gen Yers & Zers, rebels, seekers, trend setters, nonconformists, mavericks, unlimited, original, bold, “your own person”, empowered, different. (Yes, most of these words are directly via recent liquor ads.)
They are all JAMMED with attractive edgy-looking young people “living their best lives”.
What an enormous mountain of poop.
Now: Take a look at these seven ads from an early 1990s campaign. All with the same perfect copy line. All with black and white stock photos. ALL, sold the Hell out of the brand.
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