Best Ads Of The Last 50 Years: #5.
The craziest spot from the classic Guinness UK campaign "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait".
The campaign ran from 1996 to 2001. There were four commercials created: Swim Black; Surfer; Bet On Black; and Dreamer. Most people cite Surfer as the best. It’s good. I prefer the batshit Bet On Black snail race.
The other three ads were directed by Jonathan Glazer. This spot was directed by Frank Budgen, who also shot the great 1999 PlayStation ad “Double Life”.
It was a glorious time in the industry, especially in the UK. Brands spent big money to produce great, big ads and great, big campaigns. Today, brands will only spend big money on big concept-less celebrity ads. Sad.
Shot in Cuba, Bet On Black involved a snail race with seven black snails and one white one (thus the title). The starter gun goes off and the snails, predictably, do not move. Until they finally do move—like little racing cars.
The ad won a Silver Lion at Cannes. Ad agency (for all four spots): Abbot Mead Vickers BBDO.