Best 3 Ads From January.
I of course mean three ads that didn't suck the Balls of an Ass (donkey).
(NOTE: I mean no disrespect to donkeys, I love donkeys, but I wouldn’t want to suck their balls or asses.)
Most of you haven’t seen these because the MAM (Mainstream Ad Media) didn’t cover them because they only cover shit delivered directly into their inboxes because they are lazier than a lazy thing.
Filipino ad Agency GIGIL delivers the cRaZy goods again. JolliSavers is basically an afterthought to the drama, but you will remember the ad and probably the brand.
Spot for UK delivery service Everli. It’s not a great or even original ad. (Shipt did the same concept better and funnier in 2020, scroll down). But it is imaginative and sells the service well. Ad Agency: VCCP, London.
DJ Salvatore Ganacci
Lastly, and bestly, this is a :30 “ad” for DJ Salvatore Ganacci. You may know him from the video for his song “Horse”. This business meeting with a “Racist Carot” made me laugh harder than I have all month. That’s Ganacci leading the meeting. Thanks to Chris Bodenner from the Weekly Dish for the tip.
The face on that thing is hilarious.