Fashion advertising sucks. Period. No original concepts, no subtlety, Just absolutely nothing to it; photographers visually jerking off, mostly. Cases in point:
This obvious, trite “animalistic nature” non-idea has been done and overdone in the industry. Levi’s recently released a new spot tagged “Born Wild”. It is a direct ripoff of a 2008 Wrangler campaign tagged “WE ARE ANIMALS” (You’ll see, below).
The below stills from the video look exactly like the print ads from the Wrangler campaign. (Bear with me, proof is coming.) The “film” continues with the “animals” (edgy skinny youngsters, how novel) making their way into the big city where they were presumably rounded up or shot. Ad Agency: Bread & Circus Films, Vancouver.
Like I said, a DIRECT ripoff. Not that this campaign was unique or even interesting. There was also a TV spot from the effort that invited us Animals to “STOP THINKING”. Wranglers are from North Carolina but their ad agency at the time, Fred & Farid, is based in Paris. It was the French philosopher René Descartes who quipped: “I think, therefore I am (not an animal)”.
Wrangler even took the ANIMAL bit a bit further, depicting seemingly dead animals in coroner-style photos.
This is a Diesel jeans ad from an issue of Paper Magazine. (I cut off the logo when I scanned it.) Besides the logo, no copy. Just a guy with his hands tied wearing a very realistic-looking bull’s head. Get it? Well, you’re just not pre-post-modern enough. It means: WE ARE ANIMALS. (Ad appeared the same month the Wrangler ads came out.)
About a year later, the below Diesel billboard went up in NYC on the corner of Houston and Lafayette. Ignore the headline which is completely meaningless and focus on the stuffed bear’s Diesel wristwatch. Obviously, this is another WE ARE ANIMALS ad, or possibly, a call to Furries.
Lastly, back to 1971 and the original? idea, Lee’s “LEE CAN CHANGE YOUR IMAGE” print work. Suspiciously, the lower right “lion” looks more real than the others. (I suspect photo manipulation.) Anyway, yes, change your image—to an ANIMAL.
In conclusion, according to our jeans: WE ARE ALL FUCKING ANIMALS. So, go kill something.
As if this entices me to buy Levi is wrong with these folks? Are thy smoking blunts in the copy room thinking up ads? And then, whose the marketing manager at Levi that stands and shouts, "this is freaking brilliant, I say, brilliant. Give them the money Pierre, as much as they want and hire that skinny guy to shoot the video and get me Henri for the models. My God, this is brilliant." Two months later this fool is out on the street selling Yogurt...
A bit disturbing