Thanks for sharing this, as a "Mexican"-American Evangelical, the Noah Ad and The Frito Bandito ad are AWESOME!!! Can we please get a grip on this Over Offended Generation!!!
Thanks for sharing this, as a "Mexican"-American Evangelical, the Noah Ad and The Frito Bandito ad are AWESOME!!! Can we please get a grip on this Over Offended Generation!!!
And look how awsome the generation that grew up watching those turned out to be. (BTW) I didn't think every Hispanic was a Frito Bandito, I just wanted a nice Hawiian Punch to go with my Fritos.
The Frito bandits was my favorite one. Racist schmasist. That’s a banger!
Needed me a "Calgon, take me away!"
BOOM! I still make references to that ad today to women who I know get the reference.
Ancient Chinese Secret huh ?
One of the most stereotypical ads of my youth
And who could forget:
I'm surprised this one didn't make the list. It's legendary. The Flintstones shilling cigarettes.
You are correct.
That look Jack Gilford gives when the kid teases with the empty hand
Thanks for sharing this, as a "Mexican"-American Evangelical, the Noah Ad and The Frito Bandito ad are AWESOME!!! Can we please get a grip on this Over Offended Generation!!!
Thanks for sharing this, as a "Mexican"-American Evangelical, the Noah Ad and The Frito Bandito ad are AWESOME!!! Can we please get a grip on this Over Offended Generation!!!
The pickle lady’s hat was right out of a James Bond movie.
That box of cracker jacks is huge.
Grow a pair ya bunch of pussies
Wow, the Heinz spot was the OG Coffee Crystals sketch
Shower Massage "The power of good clean fun. Why just turn on the water, when the water can turn you on?" Cmon, how did this get overlooked????
And look how awsome the generation that grew up watching those turned out to be. (BTW) I didn't think every Hispanic was a Frito Bandito, I just wanted a nice Hawiian Punch to go with my Fritos.
Who the heck produced twenty freaking second spots in the 1960s?