The Most Visually Powerful Gun Violence Ads (free post).
To paraphrase The Onion: "There's nothing we can do about mass shootings, says the ONLY country where they regularly happen".
This is not a political post. This is a Death post. Thousands of Kid Deaths alone, every fucking year.
States United To Prevent Gun Violence
GUNS HAVE CHANGED. SHOULDN’T OUR GUN LAWS? This video wasn’t “age-restricted” in 2013 when it was released. It makes sense that it is now, what with all the school massacres of the last few years. Just watch it. Maybe the best anti-gun violence ad ever created. But, it has changed nothing. Ad agency: Grey, NYC.
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
In April of 2010, The ICHV rolled out this “humorous” fashion parody campaign with snarky headlines to address gun violence against children. The tone of the campaign raised many hackles, but I think it works (not that it did anything to help). At that point in the school year, 150 Chicago children had been shot, 25 of them dead.
The body copy (right) reads, in part: “The vest fits snug, while leaving arms and hands free to raise in the air for that ‘don’t shoot, I’m innocent’ stance”.
COPY, in part: “Whether it’s just a bit chilly or raining bullets, this cozy vest is sure to protect your child from all the elements”. Ad agency: FCB, Chicago.
Forward to 2017 for this ICHV video. Here a voiceover reminds us of all the safety checks and regulations that go into making a fucking Teddy Bear. And the lack of them for selling guns. Ad agency: FCB, Chicago.
Moms Demand Action (For Gun Sense In America)
Copy: “We keep ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ out of schools because of the bottle wine in her basket. Why not assault weapons?” Campaign from 2013. Above ad is extra prescient in 2023 what with all the right wingnuts trying to ban any book that butt-hurts their conservative feelings. The girl at right is holding a Bushmaster XM-15, the same weapon used by Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook massacre.
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Two more ads from the campaign. Dodgeball (L) and Kinder chocolate eggs (R) have been banned in some schools. Maybe the most visually powerful anti-gun ads ever produced. But again, they’ve accomplished nothing. Ad agency: Grey, Canada.
Also from the Moms in 2013. COPY: “How many more rounds are we going to let this go on for?" To Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now”, discharged casings from an AR-15 rifle are labeled with the locations of American mass shootings. In addition to Columbine, other massacre locations called out include: Carson City; Virginia Tech; Aurora; Minneapolis; Brookfield; and Newtown. Ad agency: Grey, Canada.
Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence
In May of 2011, the Brady Campaign put out this TV spot seeking a ban on assault clips, like the one used by Jared Loughner in the Tucson, Arizona massacre in January of that year. The main shooting target in the ad, a young girl with pig tails, was obviously meant to represent Loughner's youngest kill, nine-year-old Christina Green.
Assault clips are still legal and readily available.
Fake “Gun Show” billboard erected right outside of Fenway Park in 2008. COPY: TELL CONGRESS TO CLOSE THE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE.
CEASEFIRE (Children’s Defense Fund)
Lastly, back to cicra 1990. Any fucking questions? Ad agency: Fallon McElligott.