PRE-NOTE for you new subs: I do cover good currents ads, when I find them, which is pretty fucking rare, because the state of ad creativity is most-accurately described as: shit-awful.
Therefore, If I only covered new ads, it would be 90% shit-awful ads, which would send me to the woods/mountains/desert to work on the next great American novel, or at least the first ever great ad industry novel, which wouldn’t get finished because I’d get eaten by a bear/pack of coyotes/aerie of bald eagles. I do also cover the shittiest of the shit-awful ads every month, fyi.
Anyway: This is why I often go back in time to When Advertising Tried Harder (great book for reference, highly recommended, buy it here).
New York City was still New York City. (I don’t know WTF it is now.) I made the best ads of my career (CLIOS, ANDYS, One Shows, etc.). Wave after wave of great new rock music, so many great new bands. Habs won the Cup in 93. And, eight years of prosperity under Slick Peyronie Willy. GEN X for the WIN.

And: so many memorable ads. Here’re eight examples to start this week of ads that tried harder. I will be posting a total of 30+ great 1990s ads—many you haven’t seen—through Friday. Buy a sub here to see them all.