My Favorite Print Ads Of The 21st Century.
"Print" whether actually printed or not, is still the purest form of Creativity.
(It’s Print Ad Week on Copyranter! I’m excited! Are you? I don’t give a shit! I’ll be presenting 50-ish of the best print ads of this Century! No Negativity this week! YAY!!!!! OK, some negativity. I am me.
A blank white fucking page. Anxiety, first. Then, stock photos. Then, awards annuals. Then, Roget’s Thesaurus. THEN, Google Image. Now, PaNiC.
Blank White Fucking Page. Not the same as a blank whiteboard, marketers: you confidently stride up to your precious whiteboard and puke out your buzzword filled “solutions” that you think will solve all of us creatives’ strategic and concepting problems. Laugh Out Fucking Loud.
Yes, not all of these were “printed”. Some just ran online. And not all of them were “award-winning”. But then, awards shows are bullshit (especially Cannes) and awards show judges are clueless. I know: I was one several times (CLIOs, One Show, ANDYs, ADDYs. I never got invited back to judge a second time cause I didn’t “like” enough ads.).
This week, the ads will be posted in, somewhat, chronological order.
Would you like to see the ads, Free Subscriber? No? Well, it’s your lucky week cause only paid subscribers get to see them. But, If you change your mind, non-paying person, you may buy a subscription here.
First eight ads, below.