More Recent Ads That Vex Me.
I realized this week that I haven't been hating things enough here.
I love the word “vex”. Don’t you? No? Well, go fuck yourself, sideways.
I started my blogspot way back in 2005. I started it, mostly, to shit on shitty ads that deserved to be shitted on. Which I did. Thousands of times. After awhile, that gets really depressing. So, in 2012, I took a job at BuzzFeed, where I often big-upped mediocre ads. (Their official company policy was “NO HATERZ”, yes, with a Z.) Which was even more depressing.
Lately, here on Substack, I’ve been sharing lots of ads I like, really like. Which is fine. I’m trying to help young creatives be better.
But, I started copyranter as a hater. And one cannot just abandon one’s roots.
So, to the hate, again. These four ads are…absolutely fucking terrible.
(This new weekly Ads That Vex Me series is for paid subscribers only, because this is the true me, the soul of me. Buy your cheap-as-fuck subscription here, freeloaders.)