Menstrual Blood Makes Extremely Rare Advertising Appearance.
Guys, did you know women bleed from their cooters?
And did you know a cooter is a turtle? (This, I did not know.)
Don’t worry boys! It’s not real period blood.
Still! This is a major advertising moment.
I’m not being at all facetious.
The new campaign is via Persil laundry detergent (German brand). The ad agency is Mullen/Lowe, London. The tag is: EVERY STAIN SHOULD BE PART OF THE GAME.
It features female footballers, boxers, and runners. All blood-stained. Then superimposed on part of the blood stains is an outline of a pair of panties.
The copy on the non-panty blood reads: BRAVERY/COURAGE/GRIT. The copy pointing to the beaver blood reads: SHAME.
The art direction is a bit “heavy-handed” (that’s what she…nevermind). But when you’re dealing with such a TABOO subject, subtle ain’t gonna get the message across. It’s got to be shoved into people’s faces (not the blood!).
From a strictly ad creativity critic POV, the ads ain’t blowing wind up my skirt (sorry, couldn’t resist). But from a pure message POV, it’s one of the few “purpose” campaigns that doesn’t make me want to quit this business.
Here’s some addition history of menstrual blood in advertising.
The 2011 Always layout above is the first known appearance of “blood” in a tampon ad. Yes, it’s just a dot—a “period” if you will. It’s a maze tampon visual with the headline: “Designed with LeakGuard Protection”.
But after decades of TV spot after TV spot using that ubiquitous blue liquid to represent menstrual blood, is was a shocking development. Ad agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago.
Back in 2007, Tampax at least alluded to their main benefit in this pretty funny French ad: NO BLOOD LEAKAGE. Ad agency: Leo Burnett, Paris.
And from 2009, an ad for o.b. tampons featuring Vlad the vampire who has smartly wrapped his fangs in o.b.’s to get every drop. Alas, a rep from o.b. contacted me and said the ad never ran and was rejected when presented. Too bad, that. Ad agency: Draft/FCB/Lowe, Switzerland.
Weird. My blood generally did not get all over my shirt.