NOTE—Coming Soon: cRaZy Japan Week, where you will—in a combination of laughter and disbelief—watch the 20+ most insane Japanese commercials ever produced. And these posts will be for PAID SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. So buy your sub here, now.
By Friday, I am often sick (well, sicker) of critiquing ads. So here’s some cool signs, packaging, etc. via the Land Of The Rising Sun. Presented with little comment.
Of course, the worldwide obsession with “Cat Photos & Videos” started in Japan. This is one of their trains.
Their KFCs feature cats with drumstick hats.
“Afroman” packaging for Black Melon Pan—black colored melon flavored bread.
Muffins packaging.
Men’s suits mannequins.
Lastly, when their stores have a sale, they don’t fuckin’ mess around.