Best Campaigns Last 20 Years: 10 Cane Rum
Alcohol ads used to be fun, funny, and made you feel like having a fucking drink.
Now, too many alcohol ads take themselves way too seriously, with "influencers" spouting meaningless philosophical hooey—which also makes you want to have a fucking drink…of anything but the advertised brand.
In 2008, Mother New York began a fun campaign for 10 Cane Rum (from Trinidad). It was satirically titled “Super Premium Films”, mocking all the over-long self-important brand “films” which were becoming de rigueur in the industry.
“Clowns, Tuba Players, and Dry Cleaners…all have the same Fantasy. This is it”. Yep. A woman in a bathing suit and Drum Majorette’s hat, expertly juggling. I’m fully aroused.
“The World is Big. Thomas has no idea where he is. Fuck it.” Who doesn’t want to be Thomas at this moment in time and space? Pussies, that’s who.
At some point, the brand/agency seems to have gotten flagged for their opening shot (featuring a beautiful woman dressed tastefully in a bikini holding a 10 Cane logo flag, see above) by overly sensitive, militant types. So she’s was retired and Mother switched to black & white spots. At least the irreverent fun remained.
Above is “Clyde”. He’s in charge of Quality Control. He checks “every 100th bottle”. He is always happy.
The act of Toasting, or “Cheersing” is of utmost importance. You need to know how to do it right. Here, 10 Cane is not afraid to be “servicey”. Just follow the lead of this Trinidadian bartender: “1-2-3, Cheers”. And repeat.
“We prepare every bottle for its journey from Trinidad. Gently rocking. Burping. And massaging them to sleep. Then we run them to the trucks before they wake up”.
Now that’s funny.